“Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.”
(Job 14:9 4:10 NIV)
Greetings & blessings to the Bethel Family! God has blessed and enabled us to once again be in His service as we enter the month of March. This time of year always marks the beginning of the spring season… the time when life re-appears. Even those things we thought were dead, will come alive during this season. The Lord asked Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” (Ezk 37:3) As he looked out over seemingly dead bones, he could not comprehend they would return to a purposeful life. So even in your life, what you might have thought was dead without any hope for survival, this is “The Time for Life!” Look and expect things to turn around in your life and watch God work a miracle!
This month is epic for New Bethel as we consecrate new church leaders, ministers/elders, and the appointment of three “staff pastors” to aid in the work of the ministry for the body of Christ. I’m honored to introduce our new pastors: Elder LaShone Releford, Elder Carl McKinney, and Elder Andre Burns. I’m excited at what is doing for us at Bethel.
In addition, many exciting ministry events are planned for this month including the launching of our Counseling & Spiritual Admonition Ministry. The Lord asked the question, “Do You Want to Be Made Whole?” In our efforts as a ministry to provide holistic development, I see the need that our emotional/soulical man also has to be ministered to. I hope you can come out on Saturday, March 10th for this impacting event!
And finally we will be having our Spring Consecration at the end of the month as we prepare for Resurrection Sunday. It’s going to be an exciting time with God’s Word and culminating with serving the Lord’s Supper on Friday, March 30th. (Listen for more details.)
I know this is going to be a blessed month and the Lord has great things in store for us. Please remember if you should ever feel that you are forsaken… that your family has left you and friends cannot be found, the scripture assures you, “…there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) THAT FRIEND IS JESUS! You can not only know him as your God, but also your friend!
Be blessed knowing that this is “The Year of Building!” My wife, Lady Angela, and I have you in our prayers. We’re not a Mega Church, just a Growing Church making a Mega-Impact!
Pastor A. Glenn Brady