Greetings in the wonderful name of our soon coming King, Jesus Christ! Today marks another milestone in the history of the New Bethel Church as we will be ‘burning the mortgage’ of our current property that is appraised at over $1.3 million. This is no small feat, but reflects God’s favor along with a people working together with a common cause. Our ministry is dedicated to deliver people from a worldly system, nurture them into disciples of Jesus Christ, develop them for a 21st century ministry, and deploy them to fulfill their purpose in destiny.
For this accomplishment, we give God all the glory! As the Psalmist declared, we can agree “This is the LORD‘S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23) As the Pastor, I want to thank each member for their giving and unwavering support to our cause. And I appreciate the hard work of our Executive Board to insure that the financial state of the ministry is maintained with integrity as good stewards.
So today we will have a ‘mortgage burning ceremony’ as part of our morning worship service. Mortgage burning is a twentieth-century American custom that is the ritual burning of a paid off mortgage document by the owners. It is done as a celebratory event accompanied by the church family and friends.
Lady Angela and I thank you for participating and request your continued prayers as we strive to represent excellence in our Godly call to serve this congregation. This is “The Year of Abundance!”
Bishop A. Glenn Brady, Pastor