• From the Pew to Performance with Pastor A. Glenn Brady

  • Wednesday, August 31st thru Friday, September 2nd



GYM-2016-Final-Flyer“God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings.”  (1 Peter 4:10)

How do you move others and even yourself to ministry? This year’s theme is identifying that every person has a divine purpose to fulfill in destiny, and must be engaged in utilizing their unique gifts & talents for ministry. A must for pastors, church leaders, and all gifted individuals. This conference will highlight hindrances that have kept individuals from being active in ministry and provide the key steps in becoming performers in ministry! 

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  • Hotel Accommodations at Embassy Suites Kansas City, Plaza
  • 220 West 43rd Street, Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-756-1720
  • Room Rate: $129.00/night
  • *Transportation to and from the Kansas City International Airport will be provided
  • Use the Group Code: “GYM” in the provided space at the link below
  • Click Here to Make a Reservation at the Embassy Suites Kansas City, Plaza
  • Guest Speakers
  • Bishop David Cooper – Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Dr. Sheila Austin – Montgomery, Alabama
  • Pastor Darren Thomas – Columbus, Ohio

CLICK HERE FOR: GYM Conference Schedule

“When You Are NOT the One on Stage”: Developing & Supporting Others to Fulfill Their Ministry –You cannot move others to perform if they are not given the opportunity to serve. Often times it takes greater strength, skill and energy to be a support to those who are headlining in ministry. It doesn’t make one less significant, when you’re are supporting someone else.. Instead, it is through the ministry of support that one discovers their assignment of helping to push his/her brother and sister to fulfill the dream of God for their lives.

“From the Pew to Performance”: Strategizing Ministry for Holistic Results – Every born-again believer has been called for purpose! It is the responsibility of the believer to maximize the gifting God has placed within them to fulfill destiny. But how does one do it, when they are not holistically intact? It is within this seminar that you will gain a greater insight of how to establish ministry that caters to the whole man, which will ultimately result in optimum performance from those who began as church attendees who will become Kingdom workers.

“Going Outside the Box” – Part I: Innovative Methods to Engage Young Adults in Ministry – It is without question that the church exists in a time today, where many young people are educated, well informed, and connected by way of social media. This generation is called the “Millennials.” To be relevant to this generation who is technically, socially, and educationally advanced, the church must be strategic in her efforts to communicate Jesus, without compromising the integrity of the Gospel. Within the session you’ll receive credible information and testimonials regarding methods and strategies that have been tested, tried, and are proven to work.

“The Lord is Looking for You… a True Worshipper!”: Worshipping in Spirit & Truth – So often many seek to just praise God; but the dynamics of worship goes beyond just our singing and dance. Worship is rather a lifestyle of being God committed. Our God is seeking “true worshippers,” those who recognize God for who He is and pledges their life in total submission to Him! This session will cause the participant that God is looking for ‘true’ worshipper and to identify what that means.

“Time for Your Renaissance”: Letting Go of the Past to Fulfill Destiny – How do you become all that God intended for you to be, when all you’re looking at is what’s behind you? The success of your performance in the Kingdom of God is directly tied to your ability to say “good bye” to your past and “hello” to your future. Your future is waiting on you. Your destiny is calling your name! As you attend this session, prepare to be inspired, uplifted, enlightened, and empowered to embrace your New day.

“The Force Be With You!”: Energizing Millennials for Ministry – It is through scripture that we learn whenever you see the active involvement of youth in church ministry, it is because they represent strength. One of the greatest driving forces of a church’s vision, as well as a strong arm of support is the youth or young adults. If your youth is involved, then you are able to establish a momentum destined to lead your ministry towards great success. It is in this session that you’ll receive insightful information and resourceful tools on how to engage the “Millennials” of your church to participate in Kingdom work for optimum performance.

“Do You Really Want Your Church To Grow?”: Reaching Your Community through Out-of-the-Box Ministry – Are you desirous to really see significant church growth? It is in this session that you’ll receive and learn innovative ways of how to engage the community and surrounding neighborhoods! A sad commentary is for a church to just preach the saving of souls while in the church and never reach beyond the walls to connect with the community that it exists within. You’ll be amazed at the impact of growth from community engagement and involvement. The real question is “how far are you willing to allow God to take you in order to make a significant impact in the community?” Be prepared to be tremendously blessed and informed, as you receive tools capable of producing impactful ministry within your church and towards its growth.

“Moving from Pain to Purpose”: Don’t Become Crippled from Painful Experiences Designed to Prepare You – The only thing that separates a victim from a victor is one identifies their experience as what hurt them, while the other identifies their experience as what helped them! It is easy to spend or even waste time complaining and crying about what happened in the past. However, if you can understand what t you’ve been through can be used as fuel to your fire to push you into great performance in ministry, then you’ve decided no longer to be a victim, but to be a victor! Come and share in this wonderful session designed to speak to you personally and provide healing for your mind, soul, and spirit.

“Sacred Calls to Secular Places”: Understanding that Every One is Not Called to Preach or Work in the Church – For the body is one entity. But it is the one body that is composed of many members. God never designed a body to possess members that all operate in the same capacity. It is the intentionality of God to use individuals in their unique areas of anointing even when it causes them to occupy positions in secular arenas. God’s plan is to have Spirit-filled representation to reach not just in the church, but to every aspect of life (medical, political, educational, business, government, finance, etc.).

“When Your Grip Seems to Be Letting Go”: Helping Men to Overcome Personal Issues that Enslaves – When a person is in need of rescue from hanging off a cliff , it is often put in motion by an individual pulling the one who is need of help that has latched on to the rescuer’s hand by way of a solid grip. Whether it’s a handshake or a rescue mission, the grip in both instances represents the individual’s desire. If you’re grip is weak, where is your desire? What is it that you need freedom from that has shifted your desire to where God’s hand is no longer held on to with a good grip? Men this seminar is designed with you in mind. It is intended to speak to real issues and uncover the truth of a man’s reality when it comes to life’s battles, and how through Christ victory will be obtained.

“Seasoned for a Season” – Panel Discussion with Pastor A. Glenn & Lady Angela Brady – “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven…”(Ecclesiastes 3:1) Pastoring is more than just preaching and teaching. Bishop A. Glenn and Lady Brady were in a supportive role for over 35 years before God called them to pastor The New Bethel Church in Kansas City, Kansas. This Panel Discussion will highlight obstacles, tests and victories since being in Kansas City and why its important to wait for YOUR Season to perform!

“Get Off the Bench…..It’s Your Time”: Understand that God has Reserved His Best Team for the Final Minutes of the Game – You’re Up Now! There comes a time in the game when the best is saved for last, because it is you who possesses the skills to lead us, the team, to victory! Within this seminar you will receive life changing principles that will enable you to dispel feelings of insecurities, self inadequacy, and the need to continuously make excuses for why you can’t do what God is requiring of you to do now! Expect to be equipped and empowered to get off the side lines and perform for God like never before!

“Pew Performance Means Home Performance”: Strong Marriages & Family are the Foundation for Growing Churches – It is a great challenge to perform for God in a public setting, when the home life has not been tended to. The marriage and family element of ministry is just as critical as anything else if not more. If home is out of order it will negatively affect the ministry and even hinder church growth. Here in this session you’ll receive helpful tips on how to ensure a healthy and strong family, as relevant issues are discussed concerning the family unit in the church.

“The Whole World is In Your Hand”: Social Media is the Evangelistic Tool to Reach the World – The fundamental basis of the Great Commission is to identify the mandate and responsibility to get the good news into the hands and hearts of men and women so that they too can experience life more abundantly. One of the primary ways we have been afforded to spread the gospel to the world is through Social Media. The impact of social media is so great to where a person may be in Kansas and can send a word that reaches a soul in Korea in a matter of minutes if not seconds. This session will teach you how to optimize the use of social media for the effective use of Kingdom work in 21st century ministry to your community and the world.

“My Worship Belongs to You!”: Every One is Designed for Purposeful Worship – The existence of mankind was strategically designed at the core of our essence, to bring glory to God! All of what we do in life holds no true value or meaning if God isn’t glorified. It is through our worship that Jesus is exalted! Jesus precisely shared that “I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). It is through the exaltation of Jesus, our worship, that men and women become attracted to a lifted Jesus. This session has been designed to bring greater understanding of worship with purpose towards an incredible God!